

  1. Do you open Swiss bank accounts for non-residents? Yes, we do. We have clients from more than 100 countries, and most of them are non-residents.
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  2. Can I close my account whenever I want? Yes! There are no restrictions when it comes to closing an account in Switzerland. You have the freedom to close your account at any time. The process is immediate and free of charge. If your funds are invested, it may take a day or two to liquidate your positions, but you can withdraw your funds without any financial penalties.

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  3. Do you work with banks that have branches in my country? No, we don’t. Swiss banks are renowned for their security and privacy because they are Swiss companies operating in Switzerland. If a Swiss bank has a branch in another country, that branch operates under the laws of that specific country and is not subject to Swiss bank secrecy laws. As a result, you cannot make withdrawals or deposits to your Swiss bank account from a non-Swiss subsidiary of the bank.

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  4. Can I open an account if I’m under 18? No, you cannot. Swiss banks are legally unable to open accounts for non-residents under the age of 18. While we understand that you may have financial independence below the age of 18, Swiss banks must adhere to this requirement. The solution would be to initiate the account opening procedure shortly before your 18th birthday and open the account on your birthday.

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  5. Which bank will my account be opened with? We work with a large number of banks in Switzerland, each offering different benefits and services. We select the most suitable bank for your account from our list of banks, which includes over 400 options. The selection is based on various factors such as your location, deposit amount, and intended use of the account. You can find detailed information about each account and its associated bank on our account description pages.

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  6. Is there deposit insurance in Switzerland? Is there a Swiss FDIC? Switzerland does not have government deposit insurance like the FDIC in the United States. However, Swiss banks have private deposit insurance arrangements. They have signed agreements to compensate depositors up to CHF 30,000 if a bank goes bankrupt. Each bank would contribute to the total compensation amount proportional to its size. It’s important to note that Swiss banks have exceptionally strong balance sheets and are regulated by the Swiss Federal Banking Commission, ensuring their stability. While deposit insurance exists, it is advisable to conduct thorough research and choose reputable banks for additional security.

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  7. Can I choose the bank? When you order an account, you have the opportunity to select the bank from the options available. We provide a list of banks with their respective conditions, allowing you to make an informed decision. However, we do not disclose the names of the banks until you have completed the order process.

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Our Services
  1. What are the benefits of your services? Why do I need to pay to open an account? Our services offer several benefits when opening a Swiss bank account. Unlike opening an account in your home country, where you can walk into a bank with minimal requirements, Swiss banks have a more cautious approach, particularly with new clients they don’t personally know. By using our services, you benefit from the expertise of professionals who possess extensive knowledge of Swiss banks. We ensure a quick and straightforward account opening process.
    Here are some advantages of our services:

    • You receive neutral advice from professionals who understand Swiss banks, enabling you to maximize the benefits of your Swiss bank account. In many cases, we can negotiate better terms for our clients, such as lower commissions, lower agios, lower minimum balance requirements, and fewer restrictions on facilities offered.
    • You have the opportunity to compare the services offered by different banks without the need to explain your requirements to multiple bank clerks. Many banks impose various limitations on the facilities provided, and these limitations are often discovered only after the account is opened.
    • We facilitate account opening by mail, allowing clients from all over the world to open accounts without visiting Switzerland in person.
    • We connect you with seasoned, professional, and efficient account managers. Within any bank, there are variations in the quality of account managers. The best account managers are typically busy with clients and prioritize those referred by trusted sources like us.

    Our specialization lies in assisting international clients in opening the right Swiss bank account for their specific needs. We provide neutral advice and support throughout the account opening process via email.
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  2. Is it safe to order with OffshoreBankingService? Yes, it is absolutely safe to order with We utilize the latest data encryption techniques to ensure the secure transmission of your data over the internet. When you apply for a Swiss bank account through our website, your data is encrypted using SSL (secure socket layer) technology with up to 128-bit encryption, preventing any interception of your application. Additionally, your application is processed in our headquarters in Germany before being forwarded to the bank.

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  3. How can you open Swiss bank accounts with no balance requirements? Most Swiss banks have a minimum deposit requirement, often set at one million Swiss francs. These banks specialize in wealth management for private international clients, and opening smaller accounts would not be economically viable for them.

    However, our role is to enable as many individuals as possible to benefit from the convenience, security, and privacy of a Swiss bank account. To achieve this, we conduct extensive research and negotiations with Swiss banks each year. As a result, we can offer a range of Swiss bank accounts with excellent, long-established Swiss banks that cater to both larger and smaller deposits.

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  4. How much do you charge to open an account? Is this a one-time charge? When do I pay it? We charge a one-time fee for our account opening services. The fee varies depending on the selected account and can be found in the “Order Now” section or within each account description. The prices are listed in EUR but can be paid in any currency.

    The fee is payable at the time of placing your account order. It is fully refundable if the bank rejects your application. However, it is non-refundable if you decide to cancel your application.

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  5. What happens when I click on ‘Order Now’? When you click on the ‘Order Now’ button on our website, you will be redirected to our application form after making the payment. In the application form, you will provide your name, date of birth, preferred account type, and other necessary information required to open your account.

    Once we approve your application and verify your payment of the account set-up fee, we will initiate the account opening process immediately. If we cannot approve your application or if we do not receive your payment, you will not be charged. You can find the complete account opening procedure on the ‘Our Service’ page.

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  6. Will you refund me if the bank rejects my application? If the bank rejects your application, which is very rare, you will receive a full refund. This refund is applicable only if you have submitted all the required documents for the account opening. However, the refund does not apply if you choose to cancel your application.

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    If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.